Best Friend Picks My TBR | 2021 Edition

We’re here today for what I think is one of the most exciting posts I’ll do this year. That’s right, it’s time for the 2021 version of my best friend picks my TBR! For those of you who might be new here—Angel and I have been best friends for years, she’s the most important person in my life and I wouldn’t be here without her.

Last year, we picked out some books for each other, and you can see my wrap up here and Angel’s here. We knew about halfway through last year that we wanted to do this again for 2021, so here we are. Let’s take a look at what Angel has picked out for me!

Appetites & Vices (The Truitts #1) by Felicia Grossman

Angel: I know that you haven’t read many historical romances set in the US and I really enjoyed this one. And I think you will to. It’s a little different to what we’ve both read before, but that is why I think you will love it. I love the characters and the story. Plus it’s a fake engagement. So why not?

Ely: This was on my list of romance series I wanted to get to last year, but I just didn’t get around to it. It has been sitting patiently on my Kindle just waiting for me to get to it, so I’m happy to finally have an excuse to pick it up. I really think I’m going to love this one.

Our Year of Maybe by Rachel Lynn Solomon

A: This is another one that I haven’t read but I would love to hear what you have to say about it. You are one of the people that I can trust will review a book that features disability honestly and wholly. This has been on my to-buy list even before it came out, but I would love to know what you think about it before I pick it up.

E: I bought this one about mid-way through 2020, but just didn’t get around to reading it before the year was over. Like Angel mentioned, this features disability, as do a few of Solomon’s other books I believe. I had already planned to do a full-length review of this one, so watch out for that at some point in the year.

The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune

A: I don’t think you thought you would get away without me putting this on your list! It was my favourite book that I read in 2020. And not only that, it’s one of the best books I’ve ever read. I love everything about this book and I think you will too. It’s beautiful and whimsical and that is why I hope that you will adore it.

E: Angel’s kind of right—I don’t know how I didn’t expect to see this one on the list for this year. I’ve been listening to her freak out about this for months, but somehow completely forgot about it when trying to guess what she’d pick. This has also been sitting patiently on my Kindle for a few months, so hopefully I end up loving it as much as Angel did.

Rebel (Women Who Dare #1) by Beverly Jenkins

A: Much like Appetites & Vices, this is a part of historical romance that I don’t think you have read much of. I had such a blast reading Rebel and more Beverly Jenkins books. And I want you to have the same experience. Rebel was the first book that I read and I think you will love it.

E: Another one I don’t know how I didn’t pick, and again, one that has been sitting on my Kindle for a while. You may have seen this one recently in my post for romance books I want to read in 2021—I’d made that post about a week before Angel picked this out so we had a good laugh when we realised we’d been thinking the same thing…again.

Patron Saints of Nothing by Randy Ribay

A: This has been on my should I buy this book list for some time now. I’m not reading as much YA, but I think this will be something that I would really enjoy and I would love to know what you think about it before I do pick it up. It sounds so intriguing and I think it’s something that you would really love.

E: One might think that Angel has access to my Kindle account, but turns out she’s just really great at picking things that are just sitting on my Kindle. I bought this one mid last year while it was on sale and just haven’t picked it up, just like so many of my other eBooks.

I am so excited to get to these ones—I’ve been holding off on starting any of these until this post was ready to go up, but I can finally start them now. Remember to pop over to Angel’s post to see what I picked out for her this year!

12 thoughts on “Best Friend Picks My TBR | 2021 Edition

  1. I love this idea – some of my favorite reads were recommended to me by my best friend! I’ve heard such great things about The House in the Cerulean Sea – it’s definitely one I need to read myself!


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