2021 Purchases I Need To Read Before 2022

We all do it, right? Buy books we’re super excited about that then just get left on our bookshelves. Well, I’m notoriously bad at doing that so I thought I’d have a quick look through the things I have purchased this year so far and pick out a couple that I could try and make my way through by the end of the year. So without further ado, let’s jump into it.

Scythe by Neal Shusterman

If you’ve ever seen one of my TBRs before, you probably know that I really love including books that I know I’m going to read. It makes me feel better if I know I’ll at least read one book off that list. Scythe is our November pick for the Last To Read Book Club, which I host along with two of my best friends—Lana and Mel. I’m beyond excited to get to this one because I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. If you’re interested in joining us, I’ll leave a link to the Discord here where we often share the links for our liveshows and talk about future reads!

The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna

I bought this one at the very start of the year and was extremely excited about it, so naturally, I haven’t read it yet. I really don’t have a reason why I haven’t read it yet other than I think it just got hidden behind other books on my bookshelf and I kind of forgot about it. That’s why I’m doing this post though—to remember all those amazing books I’ve bought this year and still haven’t read.

The Conductors by Nicole Glover

This is not the sort of book I would usually go for at all. It sounds kind of creepy and I’m honestly a huge wimp when it comes to anything even slightly scary. But it also sounds like a really interesting premise and I figured I would give it a go. I’m thinking this might be one that I pick up this month for spooky season, and I don’t think I’m going to be the only one!

For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten

This is another one that kind of faded into the background after I bought it. I went up to Sydney to see Hamilton the day after I got this and basically everything, apart from the Hamilton soundtrack, around that time just became irrelevant. It’s still very much one that I want to read, but I just keep forgetting to make time for it. But it’s on this list now and I’m really going to try and get to it by the end of the year.

Ariadne by Jennifer Saint

I was absolutely sucked into this one because of the cover originally but also because I’m a big fan of anything Greek myth related. I also really like stories about women in history, whether they be real or imaginary. One of my best friends, Mel, was reading this last month and was enjoying it which gave me the push to finally started it after it having been on my shelves for the last few months. I’ll be reading it this month as I managed to squeeze it onto a readathon TBR.

Glory in Death by J.D Robb

And finally, for this post, I really want to get to the second book in J.D Robb’s In Death series, which is this one—Glory in Death. I absolutely loved the first one, I was completely blown away by it so I have high hopes that I’ll end up at least enjoying this one. I own the next six or so books in the series so I would really like to be able to get through some of them either before the end of the year or in the first few months of 2022.

Do you have any books that you bought this year that you’d like to get to before 2022? Leave them in the comments below!

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